Tag Archives: achieving your dreams

I want to tell YOU a Secret


It is mostly about how to feel good right now but it also is a bit about how to attract more of what you want.  Really, really want into your life.  Yes, thoughts are very important and we should become masters of our thoughts through self inquiry because they tell us what direction we are pointed in and where we are going. But thoughts only come to life when we feel into them and call them true.

Feelings are the engine in the big ship called life.  They move us closer to our focus, good or bad, because how we feel drives our actions.

So if you are ready to start feeling better right now let’s begin with the end in mind and imagine that you already have it, already achieved it, already have become that which you are seeking.  Your imagination is one of the greatest tools you have in feeling better right now.  So let’s use it.

Tell me.
What do YOU want?

  1. Take your answer and for a few minutes describe exactly what having it right now feels like.  Focus on the details.  Use your mind’s eye and marinate in the feelings your picture creates.
  2. Why do you want it?  What does it feel like to have it?  What does it smell like?  Taste like?  What is the texture?  What kind of person are you in this scenario?  What kind of things do you say?
  3. Practice asking yourself different questions until you can feel the reality of your dream with every ounce of your being.  Then…
  4. Detach and let go

This is called growing your feelings.  It allows us to feel better right now while moving into vibrational alignment with our goal, and the more we practice, the sooner we clear the path for it to manifest into our everyday existence.

Try it.
See if you feel better.

And remember:

 “Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attraction.”  – Albert Einstein


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What Are You Choosing?

j0433132Your thoughts create your feelings

Your feelings drive your actions

Your actions shape your world

Choose your thoughts

Choose your world




I believe.     I create.      My world.

Increase your Juicy JuJu

CB060658This is my favorite meditation that gets all of my juices flowing…  and quickly.  Begin with the first exercise and as you progress move on the next one.  This has been adapted from Tom Kenyan and Virginia Essene’s book: The Hathor Material.  Exercise 4 is my own.  I have found it incredibly effective in attracting that which I most desire.

 Come to rest in a comfortable position.

Imagine a column that runs through the center of your energy field.  It starts above you and enters your body at your crown, moves through the solar plexus, and descends from the root chakra down into the Earth.  This is your pranic tube.  If you make a circle with your thumb and index finger this is the approximate size it should be.  The purpose of this exercise is to increase your energy by bringing the prana, life force, or chi from the Heavens and Earth into your system and releasing it out into your physical body and energy field.  Your mind will become clearer, your physical and emotional body will become healthier, your inner stillness will become more expansive, and you will be a more powerful creator.

 First Exercise:

On the first breath, inhale energy up from the Earth into the pranic tube, relax and let it go. With the second breath, bring down the Celestial energy into your body’s pranic tube and as you did with the first, relax and let it go.  Breathe in the grounding and nurturing energy from the Earth.  Breathe out and let it go.  Breathe in the cleansing and healing light energy from the Heavens. Breathe out and let it go. Continue to alternate breaths until you fully experience the flow of energy in the pranic tube.  Do not move on until you can physically feel the sensations of energy moving.  There is no judgment on how long this takes.

 Second Exercise:

The next step is to draw the life force into your pranic tube and circulate it throughout your physical body.  As you did before bring in the energy from the Heavens and the Earth alternating with each breath.  On your first breath, breathe in and it hold for a second.  As you breathe out bring your awareness to your physical body.  Energy flows where attention goes.  Doing this will move the life force energy into your body, invigorating every cell.  Continue to alternate breathing in, holding, and breathing out into your body. 

 Third Exercise:

Place your awareness in your heart chakra and begin to feel unconditional love and acceptance.  You must get to a feeling state.  Just thinking love will not work.  Once you have felt your way into a space where you are radiating love and acceptance, breathe in the life force.  Hold.  Bring your attention to the pranic tube and then release it out into your physical body.  This action is breathing in the energies of the Heavens and Earth, qualifying them with love and breathing them out into your physical body.  Remember to maintain the feeling state of love while you perform this exercise.

 Fourth Exercise:

For the fourth exercise, think of a goal that you want to achieve or something that you want to attract into your life.  What is the feeling behind what you want?  Get really specific here.  What does it feel like to have it?  Touch it?  Hold it?  Be it?  Once you are fully experiencing that which you desire, repeat the steps from Exercise Three.  While maintaining the feeling state, breathe in.  Hold.  Breathe out into your physical body.  Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out into your energy field.  Grow the feeling and move it through every cell of your existence.  This will make you an amazing magnet for what you want to attract.  Because you are teaching your energy field and physical body that the feeling you want has already been achieved, the Universe will assist in making the path to your desire clear and direct.

Effective Goal Setting – Part 1: The Driving Intention

It’s all or nothin’, and this time I mean business.  Every day I’m going to work out, juice until lunch, eat fruit until dinner,  journal my 3 pages, do my affirmations and gratitude, clear my chakras, meditate, write my blog, see my clients, walk the dogs, and work my 50 hour a week day job.  I’m also going to finish my masters, become a yogi, compete in a fitness contest, receive my life coach certification, and build a high traffic website all within a year.  I have my day down to 5 minute intervals, my diet down to the calorie, and my shopping list down to the dollar.  If I just control it enough, push enough, pay attention enough then I will make change.  I can force change.  Dammit I will white knuckle it until I see results and when I see results there is no turning back… I don’t care what the demon sisters from past tales have told.  I can do it.  I was told I can do anything… right?

Darn right I can do anything; anything for about a week.   My quick start personality gets me geared up and moving to achieve whatever shiny new goal has caught my fancy for the moment.  But after the first week of trying to move from couch potato to social super hero the bottom craps out and I’ve run myself back into the same rut of sitting on the loveseat, hoovering ho-ho’s, while zoning out to the droning of reality TV.  I have accomplished nothing except proving to myself that I am a failure (just as I had suspected), yet again. 

Woe to me who is doomed to the life of a slug.  I shall succumb to a pool of anguish seated on the sidelines of life instead of actively pursuing my destiny… or something along those lines.

I know this story.  This was my story; until I chose to stop telling it.  I so desperately set myself up to fail, and miserably fail I do when I fall into these patterns.  I have gone through the cycle of mapping everything out to the detail and trying to control all forces with a vice grip until freak out happens.  I then flip to the alternative of jumping head first into the finish line before training for the race.  If the goal wasn’t massive, I wasn’t motivated. 

This behavior is doomed to failure and both approaches will put me back on the sidelines.  Why?  A positive intention coupled with effective goal setting and complete commitment were lacking from my approach. 

All goals must begin with a positive intention in order to attract the desired result.  One of my passing fancies was to compete in a fitness contest.  It seemed like a great goal at the time because it could bring positive results in my physical appearance.  However, when analyzing the driving force behind the desired outcome the likelihood of achievement was low because the longing for more came from the discomfort of a negative thought: I don’t want to be fat and unfit. 

 A goal set to disprove an existing core thought is doomed for failure.  Your thoughts create your emotions, your emotions drive your actions and your actions create your world.  So, if the thought I am choosing as my mantra in my quest for greater fitness and physique is that I don’t want to be fat and unfit, then I am going to get more of that, more of the not wanting to be fat and unfit.

An important paradigm shift that must happen is to change the focus from trying to move away from the unfit thought to moving toward a healthy thought.  If my focus is the health, that is currently present in my life, and I begin to ask myself the question, “how can I achieve greater health and fitness”, the areas of my life that will grow is greater health and fitness.

Getting to the root of what you believe is critical if you are trying to change your behavior. A great way to inquire into this is the 5 Why’s.  Once you know the thoughts that are driving your behavior you have the opportunity to use those thoughts to create a positive intention that move you closer to the desired outcome.

  • What is your goal that you are trying to achieve? 
  • Do you know the driving force behind it? 
  • Are you trying to move toward something you desire or are you trying to move away from that which you don’t like? 

Get clear about your motive.  If it is positive, begin to grow that in your life and place your focus and energy there.  If it is negative, decide to change it.  Only you have the aboslute power to change your mind.  Turn your thoughts into an intention that serves you and places you on the path to your desires.

What do YOU want?



What do you want?  Come on, tell me.  What is it that you WANT? 

What moves you?  What drives you?  What gets you up everyday and fuels your desire and passion for living?  …do you know?

Seriously, take a moment here to answer these questions (you get a gold star if you write them down):

  • What are your top 5 priorities? 
  • What are the top 5 outcomes that you want to achieve during this lifetime? 
  • Are your answers similar or wildly different?   

Here is the kicker.  Make a list of your daily activities from sunrise to sunset.  List them all out. 

  • How much of your day is centered on the main priorities that you listed above? 
  • Are you moving in the direction of the top 5 outcomes you want to achieve in this lifetime? 

These are the very things that you just listed as the end all, be all, of a life well lived so where are they on your ‘to do’ list?

To live a passion filled life, centered on your priorities, you must find a way to drop what isn’t serving you while bringing the feelings behind your top desires into your everyday living.  It is the feelings behind the desired outcome we are striving to achieve and it is the consistency of experiencing those feelings that lead us into an extraordinary life.



Possibly Related Fun:
I want to tell YOU a Secret


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